Bad, bad, baaaaad Bunny!

Happy Palm Sunday!!!
Happy Fool's Day!!!
Happy B-Day for me lol, I'm a fool maybe but today is my real B-Day :)

Back to work :)))

Wanna be a baaaaad bunny this Easter?

Then go to LoveCats and get the latest release
Danger Bunny
that comes also with a cute basket, but is not a regular one,
look at it very well :)
 You can use it in different ways, a lot of layers to combine the outfit.

All is included, shoes, basket, ears, tail, cute bows,gas mask,
googles, all the latex layers and bodysuit.

Have fun doing your easter hunts with this sexy outfit.

And hurry because this this outfit is discounted for a few more hours to half of the original prize.
 Your Limo to LoveCats
