[sYs] News

The latests releases from [sYs]


Logyn Outfit
Boots from Inquisition outfit
[sYs] PULSAR - dual skin (pale) - cleavage

Tank Dress Collection 

I'm wearing:
[sYs] BLUELINE Tankdress - mod 2
Boots from Inquisition outfit
[sYs] PULSAR - dual skin (pale) - cleavage
[sYs] YRON - spike - necklace & Bracelets

 [sYs] is participating in 2 Hunts now :

 At the mainstore the Touch of sensuality Easter Hunt

and BOSL Spring Hunt

Also , the're participating at the Little Big Shop Event , KMADD Events.
The Little BIG Shop Event chairs--Tala Swan, Yasmino GossipGirl and Faint Paulse--need your help to bring clean water to Africa and India!

Second Life Marketplace (Purchase our items directly on the web!) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/fr-FR/stores/48318
